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hmReports Error Codes
- 0 = No error
- -1 = Handle error
- -2 = Report not found
- -3 = Object not found
- -4 = Object not in correct layer
- -5 = Layer not found
- -6 = Invalid object type
- -7 = Invalid Rect
- -8 = Section not found
- -9 = Printblob not valid
- -10 = Invalid Datatype
- -11 = Invalid Table
- -12 = Invalid Field
- -13 = Invalid Section Count
- -14 = Invalid Selector
- -15 = Path not Open
- -16 = Last layer cannot deleted
- -17 = No elements in path
- -18 = Invalid Gradient
- -19 = Invalid Gradient Stop
- -20 = SVG Path Invalid Command
- -21 = SVG Path Invalid Value
- -22 = Invalid Parameter
- -23 = Invalid Importtype
- -24 = Object could not moved to layer
- -25 = Custom property
- -26 = Invalid Page
- -27 = Menu Item not found
- -28 = Wrong Picture Format
- -29 = Invalid Ghostscript path
- -30 = Cannot load Ghostscipt library (gsdll32.dll)
- -31 = Error in Ghostscript execution
- -32 = Guide not found
- -33 = Page not found
- -34 = Run not found
- -35 = Virtual Structure Item cannot created
- -36 = Virtual Structure Item not found
- -37 = Invalid Ruler unit
- -38 = Ruler unit not found
- -39 = Last ruler unit cannot be deleted
- -40 = Unknown printerror
- -41 = Printer not found
- -42 = Ghostscript DLL entrypoint not found
- -43 = Invalid run destination
- -44 = Invalid linedash
- -45 = Invalid input
- -46 = Double section not allowed
- -47 = Executer not initialized
- -48 = Execution context not found
- -49 = Invalid variable type
- -50 = PDF file already exists
- -51 = 4D Method not found
- -52 = Variable not found
- -53 = Object is no chart
- -54 = Invalid chart data
- -55 = Invalid array index access
- -56 = Variable is no array
- -57 = Incompatible variable type
- -58 = XML Error
- -59 = Invalid Tool ID
- -60 = Generic hmExecuter Error
- -61 = Pagesetup dialog was cancelled by the user
- -62 = Pagesettings dialog was cancelled by the user
- -63 = Import not supported
- -64 = PDF file path empty
- -65 = Printing: Could not get print ticket
- -66 = Printing: Could not create instance
- -67 = Printing: Could not create document package
- -68 = Printing: Could not create print control
- -69 = Executer-Method not found
- -70 = Invalid Area