Layer Properties
hmRep_lprop_Name (1)
The parameter valueText sets name of the layer.
hmRep_lprop_Visible (2)
The parameter valueLong defines if the layer is visible or not. Visible is 1, invisible is 0.
hmRep_lprop_LockObjects (3)
The parameter valueLong defines if objects of the layer are locked or not. Locked is 1, unlocked is 0.
hmRep_lprop_Page (4)
The parameter valueLong defines the page reference of the layer. Standard is 0. That means, that the layer appears on every page. If you want to set a layer to one specific page only, you have to pass the page reference (not number!) into the parameter valueLong.
hmRep_lprop_H_Scrollable (5)
The parameter valueLong defines, if the layer scrolls horizontally. By default, a layer is scrollable horizontally and vertically. If you want to lock a layer (and it’s objects) you have to set the value to 0, which means not scrollable horizontally.
hmRep_lprop_V_Scrollable (6)
The parameter valueLong defines, if the layer scrolls vertically. By default, a layer is scrollable horizontally and vertically. If you want to lock a layer (and it’s objects) you have to set the value to 0, which means not scrollable vertically.
hmRep_lprop_Z_Order (7)
The parameter valueLong sets/gets the Z-Order of the layer. Pass the new position into the parameter valueLong which is from 1 to the total count of layers.
hmRep_lprop_Origin_x (8)
The parameter valueLong sets/gets the origin x-position of the layer. Pass the new x-origin-coordinate into the parameter valueLong. With this value, you can shift all objects related to this layer to a new position.
hmRep_lprop_Origin_y (9)
The parameter valueLong sets/gets the origin y-position of the layer. Pass the new y-origin-coordinate into the parameter valueLong. With this value, you can shift all objects related to this layer to a new position.