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Object properties

hmRep_oprop_Type (1)

The parameter valueReal returns the object type. This value is read only. See chapter Object types for all types.

hmRep_oprop_LayerID (2)

The parameter valueReal defines the layer reference of the object.

hmRep_oprop_GroupID (3)

The parameter valueReal returns the object reference of the group. If the object is not in a group, the value is 0. To set a new group for the object, just pass the group reference into valueReal or pass 0 for no group.

hmRep_oprop_Name (4)

The parameter valueText defines the custom name of the object.

hmRep_oprop_ShowFrame (5)

The parameter valueReal defines the visibility of the frame. Visible is 1, invisible is 0.

hmRep_oprop_ShowFill (6)

The parameter valueReal defines if the object is filled with color. Show fillcolor is 1 otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_Text (7)

The parameter valueText sets the text of a textobject.

hmRep_oprop_Fontname (8)

The parameter valueText sets the fontname of the textobject.

hmRep_oprop_Penwidth (9)

The parameter valueReal sets the pen width of the line, rect, oval, path, freehand objects.

hmRep_oprop_Visible (10)

The parameter valueReal sets the visibility of the object. Visible is 1, invisible is 0.

hmRep_oprop_Selectable (11)

The parameter valueReal sets the ability to select the object. Selectable is 1 otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_Selected (12)

The parameter valueReal sets if the object is selected. Selected is 1, not selected is 0.

hmRep_oprop_Alpha (13)

The parameter valueReal sets the alpha value (opacity) of the object. 100 means 100 %. Only value between 0 and 100 are allowed.

hmRep_oprop_Rounding (14)

The parameter valueReal sets the rounding value of a rounded rect. The value is the radius of the rounding.

hmRep_oprop_Fontsize (15)

The parameter valueReal sets the fontsize of the textobject.

hmRep_oprop_Fontstyle (16)

The parameter valueReal sets the fontstyle of the textobject. You can use the constans from 4D: Bold, Italic and Underline in combination. You can add strike-through text with the number 8.

hmRep_oprop_PicType (17)

The parameter valueReal returns the picture type of a picture object. For a list of all available picture types see chapter Picture types. This value is read only.

hmRep_oprop_Wordwrap (18)

The parameter valueReal sets the automatic wordwrap of a text object. A value of 1 wraps the text automatically. Otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_Tableno (19)

The parameter valueReal returns the linked table number of the text object. This value is read only.

hmRep_oprop_Fieldno (20)

The parameter valueReal returns the linked field number of the text object. This value is read only.

hmRep_oprop_AlignmentH (21)

The parameter valueReal sets the horizontal alignment of the text object. Following horizontal alignments are supported:

hmRep_oprop_Antialiasing (22)

The parameter valueReal sets the antialiasing of the object. A value of 1 uses antialiasing. Otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_X (23)

The parameter valueReal sets horizontal point of an arc object.

hmRep_oprop_Y (24)

The parameter valueReal sets vertical point of an arc object.

hmRep_oprop_RadiusX (25)

The parameter valueReal sets horizontal radius of an arc object.

hmRep_oprop_RadiusY (26)

The parameter valueReal sets vertical radius of an arc object.

hmRep_oprop_StartAngle (27)

The parameter valueReal sets the start angle of an arc object.

hmRep_oprop_EndAngle (28)

The parameter valueReal sets the start angle of an arc object.

hmRep_oprop_Clockwise (29)

The parameter valueReal sets the clockwise flag of an arc object. 1 means clockwise, 0 means anti-clockwise.

hmRep_oprop_Gradient (30)

The parameter valueReal returns the gradient type of an object. A list of all gradient types s listed in the chapter Gradient types. This value is read only.

hmRep_oprop_Clip (31)

The parameter valueReal clips the object.

hmRep_oprop_FormatNumber (32)

The parameter valueReal sets the format number of a text object which is linked to data.

hmRep_oprop_Format (33)

The parameter valueText sets the format of a text object which is linked to data.

hmRep_oprop_BlankIfNull (34)

The parameter valueReal sets the “blank of null”-flag of an text object with data. A value of 1 means blank if null, otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_ShowCalcValue (35)

This value shows the calculated value in this object. Pass 1 in the parameter valueReal for true, otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_CalcOption (36)

This property sets the calculation behaviour of the object. Pass the option in the parameter valueReal. You can use one of the following constants:

hmRep_oprop_RecInVariable (37)

If the parameter valueReal is set to 1, the calculation result is set into an other variable specified by the object property hmRep_oprop_RecVariable.

hmRep_oprop_RecVariable (38)

The parameter sets the variable name of the Record In Variable flag. Set the variables name into the parameter valueText.

hmRep_oprop_VariableHeight (39)

If the parameter valueReal is set to 1, the object have a variable height and grows with its content. This is only available for text-objects.

hmRep_oprop_MaxVariableHeight (40)

The parameter valueReal indicates the maximum height of a variable to grow. If you pass 0, the height can be unlimited. To use this value, you must set the hmRep_oprop_VariableHeight property to 1.

hmRep_oprop_VerticalSizing (41)

The parameter valueReal sets the vertical sizing of an object. The following values are allowed:

An object can be automatically moved or resized only, if the detail area is resized, because of growing text-objects with the option hmRep_oprop_VariableHeight.

hmRep_oprop_Smooth (42)

The parameter valueReal defines, if a path is smooth drawn or not. Pass 1 for smooth and 0 for not smooth (standard).

hmRep_oprop_Rotation (43)

The parameter valueReal defines the rotation angle in degrees of the object. The objects rotates around the middle point of the object.

hmRep_oprop_Pictureformat (44)

The parameter valueReal defines the picture format (drawmode). You can use the 4D predefined constants:

hmRep_oprop_RotationEdit (54)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the object rotation is editable. Pass 1 for editable or 0 for non editable.

hmRep_oprop_Repeat (55)

The parameter valueReal defines, if this object can repeat. Pass 1 for repeat, otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_use_v_repoffset (56)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the vertical repeat offset should be used. Pass 1 for using the offset, otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_use_h_repoffset (57)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the horizontal repeat offset should be used. Pass 1 for using the offset, otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_v_repoffset (58)

The parameter valueReal defines the number of pixels for the vertical offset.

hmRep_oprop_h_repoffset (59)

The parameter valueReal defines the number of pixels for the horizontal offset.

hmRep_oprop_Multistyle (60)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the text object uses multistyle text or not. Pass 1 for multi style, otherwise 0.

hmRep_oprop_ArrayContext (61)

The parameter valueReal defines the context (detail number) of the object linked to an array. The number indicates which iteration of which detail number is used.

hmRep_oprop_Pattern (62)

The parameter valueReal return the old/obsolete pattern number after a 4D Draw conversion. The value is not stored in the hmReports blob. After a 4D Draw conversion, it’s possible to react on object which have special patterns.

hmRep_oprop_endmark (63)

The parameter valueReal defines the endmark of a line, freehand or path object. The following endmarks are available:

Example: The following code creates three lines with different endmarks (Start, End and Both):

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Line(reparea; 100; 100; 300; 300)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY(reparea; $vl_id; hmRep_oprop_endmark; 1)

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Line(reparea; 100; 200; 300; 400)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY(reparea; $vl_id; hmRep_oprop_endmark; 2)

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Line(reparea; 100; 300; 300; 500)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY(reparea; $vl_id; hmRep_oprop_endmark; 3)

The output:


hmRep_oprop_endmark_type (64)

The parameter valueReal defines the type of the endmark. A value of 1 defines an arrow as endmark, a value of 2 defines a bar as endmark.

Example: The following code creates two lines, one line with an arrow as endmark and one line with a bar as endmark:

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Line (reparea;100;100;300;300)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_endmark;3)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_endmark_type;1)

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Line (reparea;100;200;300;400)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_endmark;3)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_endmark_type;2)

The output:

Endmark Types

hmRep_oprop_arrow_width (65)

The parameter valueReal defines the width of the endmark arrow or the width of the endmark bar in pixels. Standard value is 10.

Important note: The value is set for a line width of 1 pixel. If the line width is greater or less than 1 pixel, the arrow width and height are automatically scaled with 50 percent. For example: If the line width is 5, the arrow width is automatically streched to 25 pixels (10 x 5 / 2).

hmRep_oprop_arrow_height (66)

The parameter valueReal defines the height of the endmark arrow. Standard value is 10.

hmRep_oprop_arrow_position (67)

The parameter valueReal defines the position of the endmark. The following values are available:

Example: The following code creates three lines with different positions (middle, start and end):

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Line (reparea;100;100;300;300)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_endmark;3)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_arrow_position;1)

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Line (reparea;100;200;300;400)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_endmark;3)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_arrow_position;2)

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Line (reparea;100;300;300;500)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_endmark;3)
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY (reparea;$vl_id;hmRep_oprop_arrow_position;3)

The output:

Endmark Positions

hmRep_oprop_Barcode (68)

The parameter valueReal defines the barcode type. Just pass the barcode id into that parameter. An overview of all barcodes types/ids can be found in the appendix [Barcode types].

hmRep_oprop_Barcode_Option1 (69)

The parameter valueReal defines an option 1 for the barcode defined in hmRep_oprop_Barcode.

hmRep_oprop_Barcode_Option2 (70)

The parameter valueReal defines an option 2 for the barcode defined in hmRep_oprop_Barcode.

hmRep_oprop_SubreportUUID (71)

The parameter valueText sets the subreport UUID of a subreport object.

hmRep_oprop_SubreportName (72)

The parameter valueText sets the name of the subreport of a subreport object. If the subreport is available in the area, hmReports automatically synchronize the name.

hmRep_oprop_SubreportPageID (73)

The parameter valueReal defines the page reference of the report used as subreport of the object. The ID is the internal reference. To convert the page number to the reference, you have to use the command hmRep_Get Page ID From Number. If the page id is 0 the current active page (defined in the subreport) is used. Standard is 0.

hmRep_oprop_TipText (74)

The parameter valueText defines a tip text (tool tip) for the object. The tip text appears if the user’s mouse if over the object.

hmRep_oprop_Print (75)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the object should be printed or not. Pass 1 for print, otherwise 0. Standard is 1.

hmRep_oprop_Moveable (76)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the object is moveable be the user or not. Pass 1 for moveable, otherwise 0. Standard is 1.

hmRep_oprop_FixedPrintingBack (77)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the object is fixed while printing or not. Pass 1 for fixed, otherwise 0. Standard is 1. The object is always printed in the background. To print it in the foreground, use the selector hmRep_oprop_FixedPrintingFore.

hmRep_oprop_CalcContext (78)

The parameter valueReal defines the context of the calculation. Standard is 0. The calculation context is the level (=detail number) where the calculation should be made. If you want to calculate the sums of all items of the detail 1 section, the context = 1. If you want to calculate all items of the detail 2 section, the context = 2. And so on.

hmRep_oprop_UseTokenScript (79)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the object uses tokenized scripts or text based scripts. Pass 1 for using tokenized scripts, otherwise 0. Standard is 0.

hmRep_oprop_ReplaceRowIfEmpty (80)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the object is empty, the entire space (row) will be not printed. Pass 1 for replace, pass 0 for not replace if empty. The option is an option for the selector hmRep_oprop_Repeat. If an object will be replicated, this options helps you, to eliminate white space, if objects have empty content. Notice, that the option hmRep_oprop_ReplaceItemsIfEmpty must be turned on, if you want to use this option.

hmRep_oprop_ArrayIndex2D (81)

The parameter valueReal defines the main index of a 2D array. If the datasource of the object is an array 2D, you can define the index of the first dimension.

hmRep_oprop_MultistyleTiptext (82)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the object tip should be interpreted as rich text or not. Pass 1 for using multi-styled tip text, otherwise 0. Standard is 0. This option is only available in 4D v12!

hmRep_oprop_Linespacing (83)

The parameter valueReal defines the line spacing of a text object. Line space is the extra space between two lines within a multi-line text. Example: The following picture illustrates a line spacing of 5 pixels (left) and 0 pixels (right):

Line Spacing

hmRep_oprop_Origin_ID (84)

The parameter valueReal returns in a preview, the origin object id from the original report. The value can be read only.

hmRep_oprop_Origin_Iteration (85)

The parameter valueReal returns in a preview, the number of the iteration. The value can be read only.

hmRep_oprop_ReplaceItemsIfEmpty (86)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the object is empty, all objects under this object should move up. Notice: if you want to replace a complete line, you can turn on the option hmRep_oprop_ReplaceRowIfEmpty.

hmRep_oprop_Resizeable (87)

The parameter valueReal sets the ability to resize the object. Resizeable is 1 otherwise 0. Standard is 1.

hmRep_oprop_InsertBlankIfEmpty (88)

The parameter valueReal sets the option, to insert a blank row in repeating options, if the value of the option is blank. Pass 1 for active, 0 for inactive. Standard is 0.

hmRep_oprop_FillRule (89)

The parameter valueReal sets the fillrule of the path/freehand object. Pass 0 for non zero or 1 for Even odd. Standard is 0 (non zero).

hmRep_oprop_FixedPrintingFore (90)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the object is fixed while printing or not. Pass 1 for fixed, otherwise 0. Standard is 1. The object is always printed in the foreground. To print it in the background, use the selector hmRep_oprop_FixedPrintingBack.

hmRep_oprop_AlignmentV (91)

The parameter valueReal sets the vertical alignment of the text object. Use 1=top, 2=middle and 3=bottom.

hmRep_oprop_CreateExecContext (92)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the sub report container creates a new execution context for the sub report. Pass 1 for create an execution context (which is standard) or 0 for use the existing current rendering context.

While rendering a report, a new execution context is created automatically. In this context, all variables are stored. If you create a new rendering context for each sub report container, all variables of the subreport are stored in this context and will be destroyed after subreport rendering. So you can avoid page effects. You can turn off this option, if you want to use variables of the main execution context in the subreport.

hmRep_oprop_DragLeftTop (93)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the left-top drag handle is visible. Pass 0 for invisible and 1 for visible (default).


hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY($vl_area; 1; hmRep_oprop_DragLeft; 0; "")
hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY($vl_area; 1; hmRep_oprop_DragLeftTop; 0; "")

Drag handles missing

hmRep_oprop_DragTop (94)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the top drag handle is visible. Pass 0 for invisible and 1 for visible (default). See selector 93 (hmRep_oprop_DragLeftTop) for an example).

hmRep_oprop_DragRightTop (95)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the right-top drag handle is visible. Pass 0 for invisible and 1 for visible (default). See selector 93 (hmRep_oprop_DragLeftTop) for an example).

hmRep_oprop_DragRight (96)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the right drag handle is visible. Pass 0 for invisible and 1 for visible (default). See selector 93 (hmRep_oprop_DragLeftTop) for an example).

hmRep_oprop_DragRightBottom (97)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the right-bottom drag handle is visible. Pass 0 for invisible and 1 for visible (default). See selector 93 (hmRep_oprop_DragLeftTop) for an example).

hmRep_oprop_DragBottom (98)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the bottom drag handle is visible. Pass 0 for invisible and 1 for visible (default). See selector 93 (hmRep_oprop_DragLeftTop) for an example).

hmRep_oprop_DragLeftBottom (99)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the left-bottom drag handle is visible. Pass 0 for invisible and 1 for visible (default). See selector 93 (hmRep_oprop_DragLeftTop) for an example).

hmRep_oprop_DragLeft (100)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the left drag handle is visible. Pass 0 for invisible and 1 for visible (default). See selector 93 (hmRep_oprop_DragLeftTop) for an example).

hmRep_oprop_Origin_Section (101)

The parameter valueReal returns the section type of the original object for an object in the preview. If you generate a preview, you can identify for each object, what the original section was. This value can be read only.

hmRep_oprop_Origin_SectionCount (102)

The parameter valueReal returns the section count of the original object for an object in the preview. If you generate a preview, you can identify for each object, what the original section was. This value can be read only.

hmRep_oprop_ShowTextIfNullValue (103)

The parameter valueReal activates a custom text, if the field value is NULL. Pass the custom text in the parameter valueText. You can activate the option if you pass 1 in valueReal.

hmRep_oprop_Kerning (104)

The parameter valueReal sets a different text kerning (space between letters) in pixels. 0 is standard.

hmRep_oprop_Dynamic (105)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the code within a text object should be executed or not. The code have to be between the <% and %> tags. Pass 1 for active and 0 for inactive. Default is 1.

hmRep_oprop_Full_Lines (106)

The parameter valueReal defines, if the lines within a text object are shown completely only. If this option is set to 1, only fully visible lines are shown. Standard is 0.

hmRep_oprop_ExecuteStartEndScripts (107)

The parameter valueReal defines, that the start and end-script of the subreport is executed. Pass 0 for not execute (default) and 1 for execute.

hmRep_oprop_MoveH (108)

hmRep_oprop_MoveV (109)

hmRep_oprop_CalcSubTotal (110)

The parameter valueReal defines, if this object should be calculated with a sub total of the page. Pass 0 not calculate (default) and 1 for calculate.

hmRep_oprop_LineAppearance (111)

The parameter valueReal defines the line appearance of objects. The following values are possible:

hmRep_oprop_Flip_H (112)

The parameter valueReal defines the horizontal mirroring of the picture. Pass 1 for flip horizontally (default is 0).

hmRep_oprop_Flip_V (113)

The parameter valueReal defines the vertical mirroring of the picture. Pass 1 for flip vertically (default is 0).