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Section Properties

hmRep_sprop_PrintOnReport (1)

The parameter valueLong defines, if the section is printed on the report. Pass 1 for print or 0 for don’t print.

hmRep_sprop_VisibleOption (2)

The parameter valueLong defines the visible option of the section. All possible values are defined in the chapter Section visible types.

hmRep_sprop_Object (3)

The parameter valueLong defines the object if hmRep_sprop_VisibleOption is hmRep_svisible_ValueChanges.

hmRep_sprop_TableNo (4)

The parameter valueLong defines the table number if hmRep_sprop_VisibleOption is hmRep_svisible_ValueChanges.

hmRep_sprop_FieldNo (5)

The parameter valueLong defines the field number if hmRep_sprop_VisibleOption is hmRep_svisible_ValueChanges.

hmRep_sprop_Variable (6)

The parameter valueText defines the variable name if hmRep_sprop_VisibleOption is hmRep_svisible_ValueChanges.

hmRep_sprop_Arrayindex (7)

The parameter valueLong defines the arrayindex if hmRep_sprop_VisibleOption is hmRep_svisible_ValueChanges.

hmRep_sprop_BreakOption (8)

The parameter valueLong defines the break option of the section. All possible values are defined in the chapter Section break types.

hmRep_sprop_BreakLessThan (9)

The parameter valueLong defines the count of pixels if hmRep_sprop_BreakOption is hmRep_sbreak_NewPageSpace.

hmRep_sprop_KeepWholeSecOnPage (10)

The parameter valueLong defines, if the section is always complete printed on the page. If the value is 1, the section is always on a whole page. It the value is 0 the section can be on two pages.

hmRep_sprop_Use (11)

The parameter valueLong defines, if the section is used by hmReports or not. If 0, the section will not used by hmReports. That means, that the section is hidden in the report.

hmRep_sprop_Name (12)

The parameter valueText defines the name of the section. The sectionname is set for current report. valueLong has to be 0. The section name can be modified in the on load event of the form.

hmRep_sprop_ExeDetScrAftValueCh (13)

The parameter valueLong defines, if the script is executed after testing break value changed. Standard is yes (=’1’) because of SRP backward compatibility.

hmRep_sprop_UseTokenScript (14)

The parameter valueLong defines, if the section uses tokenized scripts or text based scripts. Pass 1 for using tokenized scripts, otherwise 0. Standard is 0.

hmRep_sprop_Arrayindex2D (15)

The parameter valueLong defines the main index of a 2D array if hmRep_sprop_VisibleOption is hmRep_svisible_ValueChanges.

hmRep_sprop_TabPosition (16)

The parameter valueLong defines the tab position of the section tab. It is the x-position (horizontal). The parameter valueText remains empty.

hmRep_sprop_BackgroundName (17)

The parameter valueText defines the name of the section in the background. The background name is set for current report. valueLong has to be 0.