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Virtual Structure Properties

hmRep_vprop_Type (1)

The parameter valueLong returns the type of the Virtual Structure Item. The property can be read only. Possible types:

hmRep_vprop_TableNo (2)

The parameter valueLong gets/sets the table number of an item.

hmRep_vprop_FieldNo (3)

The parameter valueLong gets/sets the field number of an item.

hmRep_vprop_Variable (4)

The parameter valueText gets/sets the variable name of an item.

hmRep_vprop_Caption (5)

The parameter valueText gets/sets the caption name of an item.

hmRep_vprop_Description (6)

The parameter valueText gets/sets the description of an item.

hmRep_vprop_InList (7)

The parameter valueLong defines, if a Virtual Structure item is visible in the “Variables and Fields” List of hmReports. Set 1 for visible, otherwise the item is invisible. Standard is 1.

hmRep_vprop_GroupID (8)

The parameter valueLong defines the group id in which the item belongs to. If the value is 0, the item belongs to no group.