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hmRep_DRAG AND DROP PROP (Area ; Variable ; Arrayindex ; Process ; x ; y)

Introduced in v2, Preemptive: no
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Variable Pointer Pointer to the source-variable
Arrayindex Longint Array position
Process Longint Process number
x Real x coordinate of the dropped position in the report
y Real y coordinate of the dropped position in the report


The command hmRep_DRAG AND DROP PROP returns information about the last drop action from outside the hmReports area. For example from a listbox or from an other process. Usually the command is called in the callback-method, installed through hmRep_INSTALL CALLBACK, with the event hmRep_OnOutsideDrop, in order to receive closer information about the source element of the last drag & drop action.

The parameter variable returns a pointer to the source variable. Important: The parameter variable must be a valid pointer and cannot be NULL! So you must point to a variable before calling this command!

If the source element is an array, then in the parameter arrayindex is returned the element number. In all cases the parameter process returns the process number of the source element. The parameters x and y return the droped position in the current report (where the user releases the mouse button).


The following example provides more information about the source element of the last drag & drop action:

var $vl_arrayindex; $vl_process : Integer
var $vp_variable : Pointer
var $vz_x; $vz_y : Real

$vp_variable:=->$vz_x  //Point to a variable, which variable does not matter

hmRep_DRAG AND DROP PROP($vl_area; $vp_variable; $vl_arrayindex; $vl_process; $vz_x; $vz_y)