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hmRep_GET AREA LIST (areas ; thread_IDs)

Introduced in v1.0, Changed in v6.1, Preemptive: yes

This command is deprecated in v18. It will be removed in future versions. Please use hmRep_Get Areas instead.

Parameter Type In/Out Description
areas ARRAY LONGINT hmReports areas
thread_IDs ARRAY LONGINT Thread IDs


With the command hmRep_GET AREA LIST you can get a list of all currently valid hmReports areas of the current 4D application. The command is independent of the current process.


The following example returns all hmReports areas of the current 4D application:

ARRAY LONGINT($tl_areas;0)
ARRAY LONGINT($tl_threads;0)

hmRep_GET AREA LIST($tl_areas;$tl_threads)