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hmRep_SET CURSOR (Area ; CursorID ; ForceCursor)

Introduced in v4, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
CursorID Longint Cursor ID
ForceCursor Longint Force the cursor


The command hmRep_SET CURSOR sets the current cursor. This command works in the callback events “On Mouse Enter/Move/Leave” only. You can use one of the following cursor ID’s:

Pass 1 in ForceCursor to force the current cursor. It overwrites default cursors like resizing cursors at object edge handles. Passing 0 overwrites only, if the current cursor is a standard cursor.


The following example sets the cursor to a magnifying glass:

hmRep_SET CURSOR($vl_area; 10; 1)