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hmX_GET LAST ERROR (Context ; error ; line ; errortext ; errormethod)

Introduced in v6.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Context Longint Execution context
Error Longint Error code
Line Longint Last line
Errortext Text Error text
Errormethod Text Error method


The command hmX_GET LAST ERROR returns the last error of the context defined by context. The parameter error returns the error code. If the last error happens while an execution, the line where the error occurs will be returned by the parameter line and the error text will returned by the parameter errortext. The parameter errormethod returns the method, where the error occurs.


The following example tokenizes 4D code:


hmX_GET LAST ERROR ($vl_context;$vl_error;$vl_line;$vt_error;$vt_method)