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hmX_SET VARIABLE (Context ; varname ; vartype ; valuetext ; valuenum ; valuedate)

Introduced in v3.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Context Longint Execution context
Varname Text variable name
Vartype Longint variable type
Valuetext Text variable content text
Valuenum Real variable content real
Valuedate Date variable content date


The command hmX_SET VARIABLE adds a variable and a it’s value to an execution context. Pass the variable name into the parameter varname. The name of the variable is not case sensitive. So myvariable is the same as MyVariable. Like in 4D. The following types of variables are currently supported:

If a variable with the variable name exists, the variable will be overwritten.


The following example adds a variable vt_myvariable into the context with the value “My value”:

hmX_SET VARIABLE($context; "vt_myvariable"; Is real; "My value"; 0; !00-00-00!)