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hmRep_Create Guide ( Area ; horizontal ; position ; page) → number

Introduced in v2.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint Area reference
horizontal Longint 1=horizontal, 0=vertical
position Longint Position in Pixels
page Longint Page number or 0 for all pages
number Longint number of the guide


The command hmRep_Create Guide creates a new guide for the current report. Pass a 1 or 0 in the parameter horizontal to create a horizontally or vertically guide. The parameter position sets the position in pixels. In page you can define a page number where the guide only appears or 0 for all pages. Internally the internal page ID is used, so the guide does not move to an other page if the user inserts pages.


The following example creates a horizontal guide for all pages:

var $vl_guide : Integer

$vl_guide:=hmRep_Create Guide(hmRep; 1; 200; 0)