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hmRep_Create Subreport ( Area ; left ; top ; right ; bottom ; subreportUUID) → object ID

Introduced in v2.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Left Real left coordinate
Top Real top coordinate
Right Real right coordinate
Bottom Real bottom coordinate
SubreportUUID Text UUID of the subreport
Object ID new object ID


The command hmRep_Create Subreport creates a subreport object. In left, top, right and bottom you pass the coordinates of the new object. The parameter subreportUUID defines the subreport UUID. The parameter subreportUUID can be an empty string. Later you can set the subreport uuid with [[hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY]] and the selector hmRep_oprop_SubreportUUID.


The current example creates a new subreport with a picture on it beside the main report and creates a subreport object to bind the subreport:

var $vt_subreport; $vt_currentreport : Text
var $vl_area; $vl_id : Integer
var $vb_1 : Picture

$vt_subreport:=hmRep_Create Report($vl_area; 0; 0; "My Subreport")

$vt_currentreport:=hmRep_Get Current Report($vl_area)

hmRep_SET CURRENT REPORT($vl_area; $vt_subreport)

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Picture($vl_area; 50; 50; 400; 400)

READ PICTURE FILE(Get 4D folder(Current resources folder)+"testpic1.jpg"; $vb_1)
hmRep_SET PICTURE($vl_area; $vl_id; $vb_1)

hmRep_SET CURRENT REPORT($vl_area; $vt_currentreport)

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Subreport($vl_area; 100; 100; 300; 300; $vt_subreport)

This is the result:

Subreport example