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hmRep_GET OBJECTS BY RECT ( Area ; layerID ; left ; top ; right ; bottom ; searchInGroups ; arrayIDs)

Introduced in v4.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
LayerID Longint Layer reference
Left Real left coordinate
Top Real top coordinate
Right Real right coordinate
Bottom Real bottom coordinate
SearchInGroups Longint search in groups
ArrayIDs Longint-Array IDs


The command hmRep_GET OBJECTS BY RECT returns a list of all objects under a specific rectangle defined by left, top, right and bottom. Pass a layer reference in layerID to restrict the search to a specific layer or pass 0 for all layers. Pass 1 in the parameter searchInGroups to find objects in groups, otherwise pass 0.


The following example returns all objects under a specifc rectangle (50;50;100;100):

ARRAY LONGINT($tl_arrayIDs;0)

hmRep_GET OBJECTS BY RECT(area;0;50;50;100;100;0;$tl_arrayIDs)