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hmRep_GET PATH INFORMATION ( Area ; object ID ; array_type ; array_x ; array_y ; array_cp1x ; array_cp1y ; array_cp2x ; array_cp2y)

Introduced in v1.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Object ID -> new object ID
Array_type Longint-Array Path element types
Array_x Real-Array X coordinates
Array_y Real-Array Y coordinates
Array_cp1x Real-Array control points 1 x
Array_cp1y Real-Array control points 1 y
Array_cp2x Real-Array control points 2 x
Array_cp2y Real-Array control points 2 y


The command hmRep_GET PATH INFORMATION returns arrays with all path elements. Pass the object reference in the parameter object ID and you will returns seven arrays with its information.

For a documentation of all path types see Path types.