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hmRep_Print Over PDF ( Area ; path) → error code

Introduced in v6.1, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Path Text path to the PDF
Error Code <- error code


The command hmRep_Print Over PDF prints the current report over the PDF based on path. You should use hmRep_Create Report With PDF to create the report, to be sure to have the same count of pages and the same measures.

The path must be in POSIX style on Mac.


The following example creates a new report, draws a text on each page and saved the changes back to the PDF:

var $i; $vl_area; $vl_pages; $vl_id; $vl_error : Integer
var $vt_report; $vt_path : Text

$vl_area:=hmRep_New Offscreen Area(0; 0)
$vt_report:=hmRep_Create Report With PDF($vl_area; $vt_path)
hmRep_SET CURRENT REPORT($vl_area; $vt_report)

$vl_pages:=hmRep_Count Pages($vl_area)

For ($i; 1; $vl_pages)
	hmRep_SET CURRENT PAGE($vl_area; $i)
	$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Text($vl_area; 300; 300; 400; 400; "This is a test - Page "+String($i))
	$vl_id:=hmRep_Create Rectangle($vl_area; 0; 0; 100; 100)
End for 

$vl_error:=hmRep_Print Over PDF($vl_area; $vt_path)