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hmRep_GET PAPER SIZE ( Paper type ; Orientation ; Width ; Height)

Introduced in v3.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Paper type Longint papertype
Orientation Longint 0=portrait
Width Longint Paper width in pixels
Height Longint Paper height in pixels


The command hmRep_GET PAPER SIZE returns the paper dimension of a format type in pixels.

You can get the following papertypes:

Pass 0 in orientation for portrait, 1 if for landscape. You will get the dimensions of the paper format in the parameters width and height.


The following example returns the dimension of the DIN A4 format in pixels:

var $vl_width; $vl_height : Integer


hmRep_GET PAPER SIZE(4; 0; $vl_width; $vl_height)