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hmRep_Print To Blob ( Area ; Blob) → result

Introduced in v20.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Blob Blob Blob containing the PDF
Result Longint 1 = successful, 0 = nothing was printed


The command hmRep_Print To Blob prints the current report into a PDF which is stored in the blob parameter. This uses the internal PDF rendering engine. You don’t need to call hmRep_SET PRINT OPTION to set the destination to PDF and/or the rendering engine!

This command works on Windows only.


The following example prints a reports and checks for errors:

var $vl_result; $vl_error; $vl_area : Integer
var $vx_blob : Blob

$vl_result:=hmRep_Print To Blob($vl_area; $vx_blob)
$vl_error:=hmRep_Get Last Error($vl_area)

If ($vl_error#0)
    ALERT("Printing error: "+String($vl_error))
End if