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hmRep_Create Report (Area ; Width ; Height ; Name) → Report UUID

Introduced in v1.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint Area reference
Width Longint width of the new report
Height Longint height of the new report
Name Text name of the new report
Report UUID Text UUID of the created report


The command hmRep_Create Report creates a new report in the current hmReports area. The new created report will be not the current report. If you want this report as the current report, you must use [hmRep_SET CURRENT REPORT]. Pass the width and height of the new report (or drawing area) into the parameters width and height. If these two parameters are zero, the current page format will be used. Pass a name for the new report into the parameter name.


var $report : Text

$report:=hmRep_Create Report(reparea; 0; 0; "My new report")