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hmRep_Render To Blob ( Area ; Charset ; Options ; FieldDelim ; RecordDelim) → Result

Introduced in v1.2, Preemptive: yes

This command is deprecated in v19. It will be removed in future versions. Please use hmRep_Render To Text instead.

Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint Area reference
Charset Longint Charset to use
Options Longint Render option flags
FieldDelim Text Field delimiter
RecordDelim Text Record delimiter
Result Blob Result as blob


The command hmRep_Render To Blob renders the current report area to a blob. The command is like printing. This command only outputs textobjects and their bindings. It also executes scripts.

Charset defines the charset to use in the blob as MIBEnum. Macintosh charset is 100. A full list of supported charset is listed in the 4D documentation:

You can use a field delimiter FieldDelim and a record delimiter RecordDelim. The field delimiter is used only in the detail (body) section as delimiter between each object. After each detail iteration the record delimiter is used.

For all option flags see chapter hmRep_Render To Text.

Important: The command is only build for compatibility reasons in 4D v11. If Unicode mode is off in 4D v11, you can render the report into blob, instead of text, because 4D v11 cuts text after 32000 characters. If you don’t use the Unicode compatibility mode in 4D v11 you should always use hmRep_Render To Text.


The following example creates a text with the executed report:

var $vx_blob : Blob

$vx_blob:=hmRep_Render To Blob(reparea; 100; hmRep_render_NoStaticText+hmRep_render_TopLeftOrder; Char(Tab); Char(Carriage return))