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hmRep_SET ARRAY ELEMENT ( Area ; varname ; arrayindex ; valuetext ; valuenum ; valuedate)

Introduced in v3.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Varname Text variable name
Arrayindex Longint array index
Valuetext Text variable content text
Valuenum Real variable content real
Valuedate Date variable content date


The command hmRep_SET ARRAY ELEMENT sets the value of an array element. Pass the name of the array in the parameter varname. According to the type of the array, you have to pass the value into the correct parameter.


The following example sets the 50th element of the array myArray to test:

hmRep_SET ARRAY ELEMENT ($vl_area;"myArray";50;"test";0;!00.00.00!)