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hmRep_TOKENIZE ( Area ; methodtext ; script)

Introduced in v4.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Methodtext Text Plain method code
Script Blob Script code


The command hmRep_TOKENIZE tokenizes a readable method code text into a tokenized script. Pass the method code in the parameter methodtext. In script you will get the tokenized script. Now you can use e. g. [[hmRep_SET TOKENIZED SCRIPT]] to apply the script to a report object.

Notice, that this command uses the virtual structure. If you have a virtual structure, you should initalize it before calling this command. If you want to use the global virtual structure, just pass 0 in the parameter area. If you pass a valid area, the command uses the virtual structure of the area.


The following example gets the tokenized script from the object with the ID=9 and detokenize the script to get the plain method text:

var $vx_script : Blob
var $vl_area : Integer

SET BLOB SIZE($vx_script; 0)
hmRep_GET TOKENIZED SCRIPT($vl_area; 0; 9; $vx_script)
