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hmRep_GET SECTION BY POINT ( Area ; Mousex ; Mousey ; Type ; Count)

Introduced in v3.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Mousex Real mouse position x
Mousey Real mouse position y
Type Longint section type
Count Longint count


The command hmRep_GET SECTION BY POINT returns the section regarding a specific point (mousex,mousey). You get the current mousex, mousey coordinates with the command hmRep_GET MOUSE. The parameter type returns the Section Type and the parameter count returns the count of the section. If no section is under the position, type and count return zero values.


The following example returns the section by the current mouse position. This code can be in an object method of the plugin-area:

var $vz_x; $vz_y : Real
var $vl_sectiontype; $vl_sectioncount : Integer

hmRep_GET MOUSE(reparea; $vz_x; $vz_y)


hmRep_GET SECTION BY POINT(reparea; $vz_x; $vz_y; $vl_sectiontype; $vl_sectioncount)