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hmRep_CREATE STYLED TEXT RUN ( Area ; objectID ; from ; to ; fontname ; fontsize ; fontstyle ; red ; green ; blue ; alpha ; back-red ; back-green ; back-blue ; back-alpha)

Introduced in v6.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
ObjectID Longint object id
From Longint From text position
To Longint To text position
Fontname Text Fontname
Fontsize Longint Fontsize
Fontstyle Longint Fontstyle
Red Longint Red color component (16bit)
Green Longint Green color component (16bit)
Blue Longint Blue color component (16bit)
Alpha Real Alpha channel (0-100 percent)
Back-red Longint Red color component (16bit)
Back-green Longint Green color component (16bit)
Back-blue Longint Blue color component (16bit)
Back-alpha Real Alpha channel (0-100 percent)


The command hmRep_CREATE STYLED TEXT RUN creates a styled text run for the text object, defined by the parameter objectID. You have to pass the fontname, fontsize and fontstyle into the command. In red, green and blue you have to pass each color component into that command as 16 bit. Alpha defines the alpha channel, where you can pass values from 0 to 100 (percent). A value of 100 means 100 % opaque. In back-red, back-green and back-blue you have to pass each color component for the background color. back-alpha defines the alpha channel of the background color. Default is 0, which means: no background visible. Background color is currently supported under Mac only.


The following example creates a text object, set the multi style flag and sets the styled text runs:

$vl_object:=hmRep_Create Text(reparea; 100; 100; 200; 200; "This is styled text made with hmReports!")

hmRep_SET OBJECT PROPERTY(reparea; $vl_object; hmRep_oprop_Multistyle; 1; "")

hmRep_CREATE STYLED TEXT RUN(reparea; $vl_object; 1; 4; "Arial"; 20; Bold; 0xFFFF; 0; 0; 100; 0; 0; 0; 0)
hmRep_CREATE STYLED TEXT RUN(reparea; $vl_object; 5; 11; "Arial"; 20; Italic; 0xFFFF; 0; 0; 100; 0; 0; 0; 0)
hmRep_CREATE STYLED TEXT RUN(reparea; $vl_object; 14; 22; "Courier New"; 16; Bold; 0; 0; 0xFFFF; 100; 0; 0; 0; 0)

This is the result:

Bild:Styled text run