The command [hmX_Process Tags] is a very powerful command.
This command parses the text for executable tags and executes the source into an own context.
The command [hmX_Process Tags] works like the 4D command but with the following advantages:
- You can use local variables in the HTML template
- You can work like in 4D with Case of/For/If - no special 4D-tags needed
- You can pass variables before processing
This example shows a possible “On Web Connection” method. This example creates an execution context, adds a variable and an array to the context. Then it calls the command [hmX_Process Tags] for processing.
Finally the html text is send back to the HTTP-Client.
If ($vt_url="/") //index
$vt_file:=Get 4D folder(HTML Root folder)+"myindex.html"
If (Test path name($vt_file)=Is a document)
SET BLOB SIZE($vx_blob;0)
DOCUMENT TO BLOB($vt_file;$vx_blob)
$vt_document:=Convert to text($vx_blob;"utf-8")
$vl_context:=hmX_Create Execution Context
ARRAY TEXT($tt_array;3)
$tt_array{1}:="Element 1"
$tt_array{2}:="Element 2"
$tt_array{3}:="Element 3"
hmX_SET VARIABLE ($vl_context;"testvariable";Is text;"Test Content";0;!00.00.0000!)
hmX_SET ARRAY ($vl_context;"testarray";$tt_array)
$vl_error:=hmX_Process Tags ($vl_context;$vt_document)
WEB SEND TEXT($vt_document;"text/html")
End if
End if
Between <% and %> will be parsed as 4D code. If you use $0 the text will be inserted at this place.
Example of If
$0:="TestVariable: "+testvariable+"<br />"
$0:=$0+"Testarray Size: "+string(size of array(testarray))+"\r"
for($i;1;size of array(testarray))
$0:=$0+testarray{$i}+"<br />"
end for
You can use one For/End for and Case Of over several HTML code blocks. Example:
<td valign="top" align="right"><%$0:=String([Offer]Value;"###,###,##0.00;-###,###,##0.00;0.00")%> €</td>
<%End If%>
Example of Case Of
<%Case Of :(vl_office=1)%>
<td valign="top" class="footer">heubach media<br /></td>
<td valign="top" class="footer">milo rental<br /></td>
<td valign="top" class="footer">heubach media GmbH<br /></td>
<%End Case%>