hmReports offers some convenient utility commands in the script editor. Those commands are described below:
_Get Color
color:=_Get Color(colortext{;alpha})
This command returns a 8 bit color to manipulate object properties e. g. this_Textcolor. Pass in colortext one of these color names:
"White" = 0x00FFFFFF
"Silver" = 0x00C0C0C0
"Gray" = 0x00808080
"Black" = 0x00000000
"Red" = 0x00FF0000
"Maroon" = 0x00800000
"Yellow" = 0x00FFFF00
"Olive" = 0x00808000
"Lime" = 0x0000FF00
"Green" = 0x00008000
"Aqua" = 0x0000FFFF
"Teal" = 0x00008080
"Blue" = 0x000000FF
"Navy" = 0x00000080
"Fuchsia" = 0x00FF00FF
"Purple" = 0x00800080
The optional parameter alpha is for setting the alpha channel. Valid are values between 0 and 1. 0 (zero) is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque. If you omit the parameter, alpha channel is 100 % by default.
Example: This example sets the textcolor to red and 50 % alpha:
this_textcolor:=_Get Color("red";0.5)
_Get Fitting Text
fittingText:=_Get Fitting Text(sourceText)
This command returns the text which fits into the current text frame. It uses the current font information of the current object to calculate the fitting text. Pass sourceText in this command and you will get the fitting text as result. This result text fits completely in the current object frame.
Example: The following example returns the fitting text and saves the rest of the text into the variable vt_rest to use this for an other object (e. g. to print this on an other page).
$vt_text:=_Get Fitting Text(this_text)
_Get Current Execution Context
executionContext:=_Get Current Execution Context
The executionContext (C_LONGINT) is the unique id of the current Script Execution. You can use this id to pass it as a parameter into your project method to manipulate the context with ‘hmX_…‘-methods. E. g. to get/set values of current variables ([[hmX_SET VARIABLE]]).
_HTML Encode
encodedText:=_HTML Encode(sourceText)
The command converts a text into a HTML text.
With this command, you can add an anchor. This is helpful, if you want to create a table of contents. If you want to add an object to the table of contents, just call _SET ANCHOR with a unique string in parameter 1.
_SET ANCHOR(String(this_section_iteration))
To print a table of contents, just use the following variables:
A text array with all anchor-texts
A longint array with all page numbers. This array has the same size as this_anchor_texts. For each anchor-text, you will got a page number.
With these both arrays, you can print a table of contents on any page in the report.