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hmRep_SET UNDO TYPE STATE ( Area ; type ; State)

Introduced in v5.1, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Type Longint undo type
State Longint 0=inactive


The command hmRep_SET UNDO TYPE STATE sets the state of the undo action. Pass one of the following undo types:

If you activate an action, the undo action will automatically recorded. If you pass 0 in state, the action will not be recorded.

You can set the state for the interface and programming by passing the bit constants into the parameter state:


The following example activates the undo action hmRep_Undo_Change_Picture for interace and programming:

hmRep_SET UNDO TYPE STATE($area;hmRep_Undo_Change_Picture;hmRep_Undo_Active_Interface+hmRep_Undo_Active_Programming)

The following example deactivates the undo recording for the hmRep_Undo_Move-action:

hmRep_SET UNDO TYPE STATE($area;hmRep_Undo_Move;hmRep_Undo_Active_No)