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hmRep_GET TEXT MEASURES ( Text ; Fontname ; Fontsize ; Fontstyle ; Width ; Height ; Ascent ; Descent)

Introduced in v4.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Text Text A text value
Fontname Text The fontname
Fontsize Real The size of the font
Fontstyle Longint The font style
Width Real The width of the text
Height Real The height of the text
Ascent Real The ascent of the text
Descent Real the descent of the text


The command hmRep_GET TEXT MEASURES measures the text, based on the font information: fontname, fontsize and fontstyle.

The following picture shows you the ascent, height and descent:

Font ascent descent

4D constants may be used for the style parameter. See the 4D documentation for details.