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hmRep_RGB2Index ( Red ; Green ; Blue) → indexcolor

Introduced in v2.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Red Longint red RGB color
Green Longint green RGB color
Blue Longint blue RGB color
Indexcolor Longint 4D indexcolor


The command hmRep_RGB2Index tries to find a 4D index color matching with the 16 bit RGB color values. The match must be the exact color. hmReports does not find the nearest index. The index color returned is a value between 0 and 255. If the indexed color cannot matched, a -1 is returned.


The following example tries to find the 4D index color from the RGB value:

var $vl_red; $vl_green; $vl_blue; $vl_index : Integer


$vl_index:=hmRep_RGB2Index($vl_red; $vl_green; $vl_blue)

If ($vl_index=-1)
End if