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hmRep_Create VStructure Meth ( Area ; methodname ; caption) → ID

Introduced in v4.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Methodname Text Method name
Caption Text Caption of the method
ID Longint ID of the item


The command hmRep_Create VStructure Meth creates a Virtual Structure item for a 4D Method. Pass the method name in the parameter methodname. To set a custom caption for the method, you can set the name in the parameter caption. The caption is the visible method name in the script editor. You shouldn’t leave this parameter empty. If the command was successful, the unique ID is returned.

If you want to add this virtual structure to the global virtual structure, just pass 0 in the parameter area. If you pass a valid area, the record goes to the virtual structure of the area.


The example shows, how the create a Virtual Structure Item with a custom method name:

var $vl_id : Integer

$vl_id:=hmRep_Create VStructure Meth(hmRep; "xy_my_get_date"; "GetDate")