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hmRep_Search VStructure ( Area ; type ; tableNo ;fieldNo ;variable ; caption) → ID

Introduced in v4.0, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Area Longint hmReports area
Type Longint Item type
TableNo Longint Table number
FieldNo Longint Field number
Variable Text Variable name
Caption Text Caption name
ID Longint Item ID


The command hmRep_Search VStructure searches the Virtual Structure for an item. The parameter type defines the type of the item to search. A list of valid types can be found in the appendix Virtual Structure item types. If you want to search properties of a virtual structure from the global virtual structure, just pass 0 in the parameter area. If you pass a valid area, you can search through the properties of the virtual structure of the hmReports area.

If the type is hmRep_vstruc_Table, you can search:

by table number: if you pass in *tableNo a valid table number, the corresponding item ID will be returned. by caption: if you pass in *caption the caption of a table, the corresponding item ID will be returned.

If the type is hmRep_vstruc_Field, you can search:

by table and field number: if you pass in *tableNo a valid table number and in fieldNo the field number, the corresponding item ID will be returned. by table number and by caption: if you pass in *tableNo a valid table number and in caption the caption of a field, the corresponding item ID will be returned.

If the type is hmRep_vstruc_Variable, you can search:

by variable: if you pass in *variable a variable name, the corresponding item ID will be returned. by caption: if you pass in *caption a caption, the corresponding item ID will be returned.

If the type is hmRep_vstruc_Method, you can search:

by method: if you pass in *variable a method name, the corresponding item ID will be returned. by caption: if you pass in *caption a caption, the corresponding item ID will be returned.


The following example searches the virtual structure for a table with the number 1:

var $vl_id : Integer

$vl_id:=hmRep_Search VStructure(hmRep; hmRep_vstruc_Table; 1; 0; ""; "")