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hmTAPI_CountDevices → Count

Introduced in v1.0, Preemptive: no

This command is deprecated in v19. It will be removed in future versions. Please use hmTAPI_GetDevices instead.

Parameter Type In/Out Description
Count Longint Count devices


The command hmTAPI_CountDevices returns the number of devices available on the computer. To get each device name you must call hmTAPI_GetDeviceName. The enumeration starts with 1.


The following example creates an array with all device names available on the computer:

var $i; $vl_devices; $vl_error : Integer
var $vt_text : Text


ARRAY TEXT($tt_devices; $vl_devices)

For ($i; 1; $vl_devices)
	$vl_error:=hmTAPI_GetDeviceName($i; $vt_text)
End for