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hmTAPI_GetCallInfoArray (callID ; array) → Error code

Introduced in v4.0, Preemptive: no
Parameter Type In/Out Description
callID Longint Call ID
CalledName Text Called Name
CalledID Text Called ID
ConnectedName Text Connected Name
ConnectedID Text Connected ID
Error code Longint Error code


The command hmTAPI_GetCallInfoArray returns all information about a call. Currently you are getting 23 properties of a call:

Arrray Number Description
1 Caller id
2 Caller id name
3 Called id
4 Called id name
5 Connected id
6 Connected id name
7 Redirection id
8 Redirection id name
9 Redirecting id
10 Redirecting name
11 App name
12 Displayable address
13 Called party
14 Comment
15 Display
16 User info
17 high-level compatibility information
18 low-level compatibility information
19 charging information
20 current terminal modes
21 device-specific field
22 quality of service information, sending
23 quality of service information, receiving