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hmTAPI_GetMessage (deviceID ; msgno ; param1 ; param2 ; param3 ; countMsg) → Error code

Introduced in v1.0, Preemptive: no
Parameter Type In/Out Description
deviceID Longint Devices ID
msgno Longint Message number
param1 Longint Parameter 1
param2 Longint Parameter 2
param3 Longint Parameter 3
countMsg Longint Count messages
Error code Longint Error code


The command hmTAPI_GetMessage returns one message from the hmTAPI stack. The hmTAPI-stack collects all messages from the TAPI device.

You may call this command in a callback method, that calls the command every one second to check, if there are new messages from the TAPI device.

If you call this command the oldest message will be returned. After you call this command the message will be removed automatically from the stack. The parameter countMsg indicates that there a further messages on the stack, so you have call this command again.


To accept the incoming call you call the command hmTAPI_Accept.