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hmX_GET ARRAY ELEMENT (Context ; varname ; index ; textvalue ; realvalue ; datevalue)

Introduced in v3.1, Preemptive: yes
Parameter Type In/Out Description
Context Longint Execution context
Varname Text Array name
Index Longint Array index (1-n)
Textvalue Text Text value of the variable
Realvalue Real Number value of the variable
Datevalue Date Date value of the variable


The command hmX_GET ARRAY ELEMENT returns the value of an array within an execution context. If the index or the array does not exists, the command hmX_GET LAST ERROR returns an error.


The following example returns an elment value (index 10) of an array:

var $vl_context : Integer
var $vt_textvalue : Text
var $vz_realvalue : Real
var $vd_datevalue : Date


hmX_GET ARRAY ELEMENT($vl_context; "array"; 10; $vt_textvalue; $vz_realvalue; $vd_datevalue)